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Sunday 14 February 2010

7) Who is a Role Model?

True role models are those who possess the qualities that we would like to have and those who have affected us in a way that makes us want to be better people. To advocate for ourselves and our goals and take leadership on the issues that we believe in. We often don't recognize our true role models until we have noticed our own personal growth and progress . . . I think that I serve as a temporary role model to my younger sister but she just doesn't want to admit it yet. :) Herminia

My mother influenced me to not set limits on what I could do. She had an A.A. in commercial art but she had to give up her idea of a career because my dad was a carpenter and we moved around a lot. I had a teacher in Junior High who inspired me to try to live up to my potential. What she did was pull me aside one day and pointed out to me that if I would apply myself a little harder I was capable of getting straight A's. I didn't take her advice right then, but it gave me quite a boost and started me to thinking and paying more attention. She had been a forest ranger before she was a teacher and she shared a lot of her experiences with her students. I was very impressed by her life. I was the new kid in school and she spent extra time with me to help me out. I was real shy and buried in books at that age. When she jumped on me for being lazy I definitely sat up and took notice. I believe the best roles models make us see the possibilities within ourselves. Shirley

I believe a person has many role models in their lives. Each role model teaches a person about themselves . A role model to me is someone who not only treats me as an equal but is honest, trusting, and most of all open-minded especially in today’s society. We live in a society that really doesn't allow one to be different . A role model DARES you and themselves to be different. Kristene
I think a good role model encourages me to believe I can get to where she is. Maureen

I have numerous role models, from my daughter, who reminds me what is really important in life, to my boss and dear friend, who encourages me to think and use the power of my voice and the strength of my fist. My mother has always taught me that you can be anyone or anything you want to be and my sister showed me what courage really was. Jessica

I believe people who are role models know that they are, whether they like it or not. It is their behavior that people look up to. It is their leadership qualities that others want to see and model. It is the smile that they give to others. It is the look you get. All of the above. (unattributed)

To me I think a Good Role Model is a person who tells, or influences you to make the right choice in life. Like for example my mother she always tells me "you’re not gonna get nowhere in life until you prove it to yourself" whatever that means (huh). But if I didn't have anyone like my mother to remind me everyday. . . I might be that lazy, oh lazy young lady rocking in my chair, doing nothing for myself but, getting old. But YES my mother is the greatest role model for me. Why? The answer is that she believes in everyone has a dream like Dr.King said . . . My mother a fine role model for me and my sisters. Lina

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